Collection: Epipremnum & Pothos

The terms “Epipremnum” and “Pothos” are often used interchangeably in the context of popular houseplants, but they refer to different aspects of the same plant group.

1. Epipremnum: This is the scientific genus name. It includes a variety of tropical climbing plants, most notably Epipremnum aureum, commonly known as Golden Pothos or Devil’s Ivy. These plants are native to Southeast Asia, the Pacific Islands, and parts of Australia. They are known for their trailing vines and heart-shaped leaves.
2. Pothos: Originally, Pothos was used to refer to a genus of plants that were later reclassified under Epipremnum. However, in everyday usage, “Pothos” has remained a common name specifically for Epipremnum aureum and its cultivars. This name is widely used in horticulture and among plant enthusiasts.

In summary, while “Epipremnum” is the correct scientific genus name, “Pothos” is a colloquial name that has persisted in common usage, typically referring to the popular houseplant Epipremnum aureum and its various cultivars. Both terms effectively describe the same group of plants, with “Pothos” being more familiar in non-scientific contexts.

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