About the Collection
Monstera Deliciosa 'Albo Variegata'
Title: Monstera Albo: Exploring the Enigmatic Beauty of Nature's Artistry Discovered by Dr. Maria GutierrezUnveil the captivating allure of Monstera Albo, a botanical masterpiece discovered by esteemed botanist Dr. Maria...
Monstera Deliciosa 'Albo Variegata'
Title: Monstera Albo: Exploring the Enigmatic Beauty of Nature's Artistry Discovered by Dr. Maria GutierrezUnveil the captivating allure of Monstera Albo, a botanical masterpiece discovered by esteemed botanist Dr. Maria...
Anthurium Luxurians
Anthurium luxurians: Nature's Enigma Unveiled by Dr. Tom CroatIn Colombia's heart, a botanical wonder has captivated enthusiasts, brought to light by Dr. Tom Croat of the Missouri Botanical Garden. Anthurium...
Anthurium Luxurians
Anthurium luxurians: Nature's Enigma Unveiled by Dr. Tom CroatIn Colombia's heart, a botanical wonder has captivated enthusiasts, brought to light by Dr. Tom Croat of the Missouri Botanical Garden. Anthurium...
Monstera Subpinnata
Monstera Subpinnata, an enigmatic botanical wonder, beckons us into the heart of lush rainforests spanning Southeastern Colombia to Bolivia. With heart-shaped leaves adorned by intricate incisions and intermittent fenestrations, it...
Monstera Subpinnata
Monstera Subpinnata, an enigmatic botanical wonder, beckons us into the heart of lush rainforests spanning Southeastern Colombia to Bolivia. With heart-shaped leaves adorned by intricate incisions and intermittent fenestrations, it...
Philodendron Mamei
The Philodendron mamei, an enchanting specimen within the aroid family, was first discovered by botanist Dr. Tom Croat during his explorations of the rainforests in Ecuador, South America. The plant's...
Philodendron Mamei
The Philodendron mamei, an enchanting specimen within the aroid family, was first discovered by botanist Dr. Tom Croat during his explorations of the rainforests in Ecuador, South America. The plant's...
Anthurium Regale
In the heart of remote rainforests, a regal botanical treasure was unearthed by the discerning eyes of Dr. Thomas Croat in 1990. Anthurium regale, a true masterpiece of nature, emerged...
Anthurium Regale
In the heart of remote rainforests, a regal botanical treasure was unearthed by the discerning eyes of Dr. Thomas Croat in 1990. Anthurium regale, a true masterpiece of nature, emerged...
Anthurium Luxurians
In the botanical realm, the discovery of Anthurium luxurians stands as a testament to relentless exploration. In 1996, esteemed botanist Dr. Thomas Croat unveiled this gem amidst the rainforests of...
Anthurium Luxurians
In the botanical realm, the discovery of Anthurium luxurians stands as a testament to relentless exploration. In 1996, esteemed botanist Dr. Thomas Croat unveiled this gem amidst the rainforests of...